David Smith Obituary, Member Of The National Traction Engine Trust Has Passed Away

David Smith Obituary, Death – It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of David Smith, a stalwart member of the National Traction Engine Trust (NTET). His contributions to the Trust over four decades have left an indelible mark on our organization and the wider movement. David’s sudden departure has left a void that will be deeply felt by all who had the privilege of knowing him.

 A Dedicated Service Spanning Four Decades

David’s journey with the NTET began in 1980 when he first joined our ranks. Throughout his 44 years of dedicated service, he exemplified unwavering commitment and passion for the preservation of traction engine heritage. His involvement with the General Council played a pivotal role in shaping the direction of our organization, where his insights and leadership proved invaluable.

 Technical Expertise and Innovation

As the manager of the Technical Services Unit, David’s expertise was instrumental in developing and refining many of the Trust’s operating systems. His meticulous attention to detail and innovative approach significantly enhanced the efficiency and safety standards within our community. David’s legacy lives on through the robust frameworks he helped establish, ensuring the continued success of our endeavors.

 Leadership and Mentorship

In recognition of his exceptional contributions, David was rightfully elevated to the position of Vice Chair in 2022. His ascent to this role was a testament to his profound impact and the trust placed in his leadership abilities. Beyond his official duties, David served as a mentor and friend to many within the Trust and the wider movement. His vast knowledge and approachable demeanor made him a beloved figure among colleagues and enthusiasts alike.

 A Fond Farewell

As we mourn the loss of David Smith, we extend our deepest sympathies to his wife Julie and his entire family. Their loss is shared by the entire NTET community, where David’s absence will be keenly felt. While words cannot fully capture the magnitude of our sorrow, we take solace in the memories we shared and the enduring legacy he leaves behind.

In the coming days, we will provide further information on how we plan to honor David’s memory and continue his legacy within the National Traction Engine Trust. In the meantime, let us unite in remembrance and celebration of a remarkable individual whose passion and dedication enriched us all. With heavy hearts, Rob Wing Chair, National Traction Engine Trust

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