Mary Gazaway Obituary, Dalton, Georgia Longtime Resident Has Passed Away

Mary Gazaway Obituary, Death – Wednesday, February 21, 2024 was the day when Mary Gazaway, who was 86 years old and lived in Dalton, Georgia, passed away in a dignified manner. She entered the world on June 18, 1937, and in the years that followed, she became an indispensable component of the lives of those who were fortunate enough to be in her vicinity.

The journey that Mary took through life was characterized by her unflinching generosity, genuine warmth, and unending commitment to compassion. She had the extraordinary ability to move the hearts of everyone she came in contact with, and as a result, she left behind a legacy of love and compassion. Mary had a significant influence on the lives of a great number of people, whether it was via a straightforward gesture of friendliness or a sincere word of support.

All of Mary’s loved ones, including her brother John Henry Lumpkin, her sister Margaret Wofford, and her parents Johnnie and Bertha Lumpkin, passed away before her. Even though her physical presence is no longer present on this planet, her soul continues to reverberate in the hearts of everyone who had the good fortune to have known her.

In perpetuity, Mary’s family and friends will hold dear the memories of her. Every memory that she holds dear serves as a reminder of the breadth of her love and the splendor of her spirit. Her spirit continues to live on in the acts of kindness she performed and the people whose lives she impacted, even if she is no longer physically here among us.

As we say our goodbyes to Mary Gazaway, we take comfort in the knowing that she is once again with the people who were dear to her and who have passed away before her. I pray that she is able to find the serenity and rest that she deserves in the arms of her heavenly family. All of the people whose lives Mary touched with her presence will miss her tremendously and with great affection in their memories.

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