Joseph Jones Obituary, An Engineer On Tugboats Alongside Agent Anthony Stewart Has Died

Joseph Jones Obituary, Death – With heavy hearts, we mourn the passing of Brother Joseph E Jones, a stalwart member of our union family. At the age of 96, Brother Jones bid farewell to this world, leaving behind a legacy of dedication, service, and camaraderie that will be cherished by all who had the privilege of knowing him.

A Life of Service: Brother Joseph was initiated into Local 25 in 1969 and embarked on a remarkable career as an Engineer on Tugboats. Alongside Agent Anthony Stewart and numerous fellow members, he navigated the waters with skill and passion, leaving an indelible mark on his profession and community. Known for his unwavering work ethic and commitment to the values of the labor movement, Brother Joseph embodied the spirit of solidarity in all aspects of his life.

A Beloved Family Man: Beyond his contributions to the union, Brother Joseph was a devoted family man, cherishing the bonds of kinship and love. Whether on the job or advocating for the rights of his fellow workers, he stood as a beacon of integrity and diligence, earning the respect and admiration of all who crossed his path. His passing leaves a void in the hearts of his loved ones, but his memory will forever be a source of comfort and inspiration.

In Remembrance: As we bid farewell to Brother Joseph, let us hold his family in our thoughts and prayers, offering them solace and support during this difficult time. Though he may no longer walk among us, his spirit lives on in the memories we share and the values he instilled in us all. Brother Joseph, may you rest in peace knowing that your legacy of service and solidarity will continue to guide us in the days ahead. Fair winds and following seas on your journey to eternity.


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