Carlton Wheeldon Obituary, Yulee House Fire Claims The Lives Of A Grandfather And His 16-Year-Old Grandson

Carlton Wheeldon Obituary, Death – Residents Urged to Prioritize Fire Safety Amidst Cold Snap In a devastating incident early Monday morning, a house fire in Nassau County claimed the lives of two individuals while leaving another in critical condition. The fire, reported around 5:30 AM, quickly engulfed the entire home, making it impossible for fire crews to conduct an interior attack upon arrival.

Intense Blaze Hampers Rescue Efforts
Nassau County Fire Chief Brady Rigdon described the situation as dire, noting that the intensity of the fire and heat prevented immediate rescue attempts inside the engulfed residence. Despite the rapid response of fire crews, Carlton Wheeldon and his 16-year-old grandson Blake Hendricks tragically lost their lives in the blaze.

Heroic Efforts Save One, Investigation Underway
Amidst the tragedy, firefighters managed to rescue an individual found near the rear of the home. This survivor, yet to be identified, was swiftly transported to a nearby hospital and later to a specialized burn unit in Gainesville, where they remain in critical condition. Meanwhile, the cause of the fire remains undetermined and is currently under investigation by the State Fire Marshall’s Office.

Chief Rigdon’s Call for Fire Safety
Chief Rigdon seized the opportunity to remind residents of Nassau County about the importance of fire safety, particularly during colder months. He urged the community to take proactive measures, such as regularly changing smoke detector batteries and ensuring the safe use of space heaters. With the colder weather often leading to increased usage of heating appliances, he stressed the significance of vigilance and precautionary steps to mitigate the risk of house fires.

The tragic incident serves as a sobering reminder of the unpredictable nature of fires and the importance of prioritizing safety measures within our homes. As the community mourns the loss of two lives and hopes for the recovery of the survivor, Chief Rigdon’s words resonate as a crucial call to action in ensuring the well-being and protection of every household.


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