Cindy Ballou Obituary, Glencliff High School-Class Of 1972 Pays Tribute

Cindy Ballou Obituary, Death – In the rhythm of life, we often find ourselves confronted with the bittersweet reality of time’s passage. Each passing day brings with it a mix of joy and sorrow, celebration and mourning. Today, we pause to reflect on the poignant reminder that our days grow shorter, even as the list of those who have departed grows longer.

Saddened to Report the Loss of Cindy McCord Ballou:  It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of Cindy McCord Ballou’s passing yesterday. Cindy, a cherished member of our community, touched the lives of many with her warmth, kindness, and unwavering spirit. Her presence brought light to countless gatherings, and her laughter echoed through the halls of our shared memories. As we grapple with the loss of Cindy, we find solace in the precious moments we shared with her. From the laughter shared at our 50-year reunion to the heartfelt conversations that filled our days, Cindy’s presence enriched our lives in ways beyond measure.

Arrangements Await: In this time of mourning, our thoughts turn to Cindy’s loved ones as they navigate the difficult days ahead. While arrangements for her final farewell are not yet known, we stand ready to offer our support and comfort in any way we can. Together, we will honor Cindy’s memory and celebrate the beautiful legacy she leaves behind. Though she may no longer walk among us, her spirit will forever linger in the cherished memories we hold dear.

Attached Memories:  As we remember Cindy, let us hold onto the moments we shared together. Attached is a photo from our 50-year reunion, capturing a snapshot of the joy and camaraderie that defined our time together. In this image, we see not just faces, but a testament to the enduring bonds that connect us, transcending time and distance. In the face of loss, may we find strength in our shared memories and comfort in the knowledge that Cindy’s spirit will forever be a part of our collective journey. Let us cherish each day, holding close to our hearts the love and laughter that enrich our lives and define our shared humanity.

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